DASHR sncRNA loci table File name: peaks_export.csv Release date: 09/01/2017 Version: DASHR release 2.0 # Copyright (c) 2015 University of Pennsylvania # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Description - This file contains all detected sncRNA loci and their features across all tissues/cell types. Descriptions of the columns: 1. peakChr Reference sequence chromosome 2. peakStrand strand 3. annotID small RNA gene ID 4. overlapIds.mRNA ID of overlapping mRNA genes 5. overlapIds.lncRNA ID of overlapping lncRNA genes 6. peakChrStart loci start position 7. peakChrEnd loci end position 8. peakNormalizedEntropy5p Normalized entropy for 5' read ends 9. peakExpressionValue Expression value (raw number of reads) 10. peakProportionOfReadsAtMostCommon5pPosition proportion of reads starting at most common 5' read end position 11. peakProportionOfReadsAtMostCommon3pPosition proportion of reads ending at most common 5' read end position 12. peakMostCommon5pPosition most common 5' read end position 13. peakMostCommon3pPosition most common 3' read end position 14. genomicPartition.mRNA overlapping mRNA element 15. genomicPartition.lncRNA overlapping lncRNA element 16. repeat_family repeat familty 17. repeat_id repead element iD 18. peakID DASHR peak ID 19. peakRPM Expression (reads per million) 20. annotRNAclass sncRNA class 21. consMean0 evolutionary conservation of sncRNA loci (phastCons) 22. tissue tissue/cell type or cell line 23. tissueSpecificity tissue specificity score 24. peakNormalizedEntropy3p Normalized entropy for 3' read ends 25. peakExprPercentile Expression value percentile 26. length sncRNA loci length 27. peakEntropy5pReadEnd 5' read end position entropy (un-normalized) 28. peakMaxEntropy5p maximum entropy 5' read end 29. peakEntropy3pReadEnd 3' read end position entropy (un-normalized) 30. peakMaxEntropy3p maximum entropy 3' read end 31. beforePeakReadCnt background coverage (raw read cnt) 32. peakFoldChange peak strength (ratio of 5' read ends to the background) 33. annotChr chromosome of annotated sncRNA gene or mature product 34. annotChrStart start position for annotated sncRNA gene or mature product 35. annotChrEnd end position for annotated sncRNA gene or mature product 36. annotStrand strand of annotated sncRNA gene or mature product 37. annotOverlap overlap as a fraction of annotated sncRNA gene or mature product 38. peakOverlap overlap as a fraction of sncRNA loci 39. consMin minimum conservation value along sncRNA loci (phastCons) 40. consMax maximum conservation value along sncRNA loci (phastCons) 41. partitionChr.mRNA mRNA element chromosome 42. partitionStart.mRNA mRNA element start position 43. partitionEnd.mRNA mRNA element end position 44. partitionStrand.mRNA mRNA element strand 45. partitionBpOverlap.mRNA overalp size (number of base pairs) between sncRNA loci and mRNA element 46. partitionChr.lncRNA lncRNA element chromosome 47. partitionStart.lncRNA lncRNA element start position 48. partitionEnd.lncRNA lncRNA element end position 49. partitionStrand.lncRNA lncRNA element strand 50. partitionBpOverlap.lncRNA overalp size (number of base pairs) between sncRNA loci and mRNA element 51. numRepeatOverlaps number of overlapping repeat elements 52. repeatChr chromosome for repeat elements 53. repeatStart repeat element start position(s) 54. repeatEnd repeat element end position(s) 55. repeatStrand repeat element strand 56. repeatBpOverlap overlap size (number of base pairs) between sncRNA loci and repeat element